Love To TraVeL


July 9th is the third times i visited Cirebon and Indramayu, never feel bored ^^. I was attended my friend wedding.
Besides that, i also visited Plered the place for Batik .... many batik from cirebon and I also by for me and abang. Thank you for abang because he borrow me his camera for this vacation. It was fantastic took pictures of inggit and wulan. Thanks for them whose provide me accomdation for free ^ ^ ( loves it) hehehehe ........

Batik Trusmi is centra batik in cirebon 

One of the famous motif batik from Cirebon is Mega Mendung
These are some of small boutique which is sales Batik in centra batik cirebon

and than hang out after shopping in grage mall

well not much place i've visited cause I already there for twice before.

ENjoy the batik

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